Unit Price: ৳ 75.00 (3 x 4: ৳ 900.00)
Strip Price: ৳ 300.00
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Farpem Tablets are indicated in the treatment of the following infections:
  • Lower respiratory tract infections: acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary suppuration.
  • Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) infections: otitis externa, tympanitis, sinusitis.
  • Genito-urinary infections: pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, seminal gland inflammation.
  • Upper respiratory tract infections: pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Skin and skin structure infections: pustular acne, folliculitis, contagious impetigo, erysipelas, lymphangitis, suppurative nail inflammation, subcutaneous abscess, hidradenitis (sweat gland inflammation), infective sebaceous cyst, chronic pyoderma, secondary infection of external wounds or surgical wounds.
  • Gynecological infections: adnexitis, bartholin gland inflammation.


Faropenem is a penem class of antimicrobial and has bactericidal activity against a variety of gm-ve, gm+ve and anaerobic bacteria. Faropenem is bactericidal, with a strong affinity for the high molecular penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) of the cell wall, which is essential for the multiplication of bacilli; it, thus, acts by inhibiting the cell wall synthesis. Faropenem shows broad antibacterial activity against both aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Faropenem is highly stable against various beta lactamases and binds preferentially to the PBPs, 2 and 1A, of Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Dosage & Administration

Upper respiratory tract infections: 150 mg t.i.d., can be increased to 200 mg t.i.d.
ENT infections: 200 mg t.i.d., can be increased to 300 mg t.i.d.
Lower respiratory tract infections: 200 mg t.i.d., can be increased to 300 mg t.i.d.
Skin and skin structure infections: 150 mg t.i.d., can be increased to 200 mg t.i.d.
Genito-urinary infections: 200 mg t.i.d., can be increased to 300 mg t.i.d.
Gynecological infections: 150 mg t.i.d., can be increased to 200 mg t.i.d.
* চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ মোতাবেক ঔষধ সেবন করুন


Imipenem and Cilastatin sodium combination: It has been reported that in animal studies (rat), the concentration of Farpem in the blood increases. It is due to the obstruction of metabolic fermentation by cilastatin.

Furosemide: It has been reported in animal studies (dog), that the kidney toxicity of Farpem increases.

Sodium valproate: It has been reported that due to joint usage with carbapenem drugs (meropenem, panipenem and imipenem-cilastatin sodium) the concentration of valproic acid in the blood reduces, and there is a recurrence of epileptic fits.


Faropenem is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the components of this product or to other drugs in the same class, or in patients who have demonstrated anaphylactic reactions to beta-lactams.

Side Effects

Common side effects of Farpem are Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Stomach pain and Diarrhea.

Pregnancy & Lactation

Safety regarding therapy during pregnancy has not been established. In pregnant women or expectant mothers, the medicine should be given only if the benefit of the treatment is greater than the risks involved. Faropenem is excreted in human milk. Therefore, Faropenem should be given to nursing mothers only if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Precautions & Warnings

Farpem should be administered with caution in the following:
  • Patients with a past history of hypersensitivity to penicillin, cephem or carbapenem drugs.
  • Patients with a family history of atopy.
  • Patients with renal impairment. The dosage should be reduced or the interval between doses should be increased.
  • Geriatric patients.
  • Patients with poor oral intake or poor general state (since there are cases that show symptoms of vitamin K deficiency, proper monitoring should be done).

Use in Special Populations

Renal Impairment: In patients with renal impairment, it was found that the plasma concentrations of the drug are increased, and the half-life is extended.

Geriatric Use: The half-life of Farpem is prolonged in the elderly and this may be due to a decline in kidney functions, which results in high plasma concentrations. Therefore, in the elderly, start with a dose of 150 mg and monitor the patient for any undesirable effects. If diarrhea and loose bowel movements appear, stop the medicine, monitor correctly, and take appropriate measures. There is a tendency of hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency in the elderly.

Overdose Effects

No specific information is available on the treatment of overdosage with Farpem. Intentional overdosing of Farpem is unlikely. In the event of an overdose, Farpem should be discontinued, and general supportive treatment given until renal elimination takes place.

Storage Conditions

Store Farpem at room temperature between 20°C to 25°C in its original package. Safely throw away any Farpem that is out of date or no longer needed. Keep Farpem and all medicines out of the reach of children. Protect from moisture.
Pack Image of Farpem 150 mg Tablet Pack Image: Farpem 150 mg Tablet